A possible explanation for the exceptional efficacy of botulinum toxin treatment for detrusor overactivity

Apostolidis A1, Popat R2, Yiangou Y 3, Dasgupta P4, Anand P3, Fowler C J2 1. The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery,UCLH & The Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial Colle, 2. The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery,UCLH , 3. The Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College London, 4. Guys' and St. Thomas' Hospitals

Abstract Category

Detrusor Overactivity

Abstract 150
Clinical Pharmacology and Overactivity - Blue Room:Chaired by Harold Drutz and Alan Wein
Scientific Podium Poster Session 16
Friday 27th August 2004
15:24 - 15:32


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