Protective effects of grape suspension on in vivo ischemia, Ischemia followed by reperfusion, and partial outlet obstruction of the rabbit bladder

Lin A D1, Mannikarottu A1, Chaudhry A2, Whitebeck C3, Sokol R4, Agartan C A5, Kogan B A6, Chichester P3, Leggett R E7, Levin R M8 1. Albany College of Pharmacy and Albany Medical College, 2. Northeast Urogynecology, 3. Albany College of Pharmacy and Stratton VA Medical Center, 4. Albany Academy for Girls, Albany, NY, 5. Abant Izzet Baysal University Medicine School of Duzce, Turkey, 6. Albany Medical College, 7. Stratton VA Medical Center, 8. Albany College of Pharmacy, Northeast Urogynecology and Stratton VA Medical Center

Abstract Category

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Abstract 106
Basic Science (2):Chaired by Alison Brading and Christopher Payne
Scientific Podium Poster Session 14
Friday 2nd September 2005
14:37 - 14:45


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