Correlates of Incontinence Severity in a Cohort of Stress Incontinent Women Undergoing Surgical Treatment

Richter H E1, Burgio K L2, Brubaker L3, Moalli P 4, Markland A5, Mallett V6, Menefee S A7, Johnson H W8, Boreham M K9, Dandreo K J10, Stoddard A M10 1. University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2. University of Alabama at Birmingham and Veterans Administration, Birmingham, AL, 3. Loyola University Medical Center, 4. University of PIttsburgh, 5. University of Texas, San Antonio, 6. Oakwood Medical Center, 7. Southern California Kaiser Permanente San Diego, 8. University of Maryland, 9. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 10. New England Research Institute, Boston, MA

Abstract Category

Surgery for Stress Incontinence

Abstract 623
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Scientific Non Discussion Abstract Session 19


06/05/2024 23:38:52