An Incontinence Procedure performed at the Time of Prolapse Repair might be unnecessary Surgery.

Borstad E1, Kulseng-Hanssen S2, Moghimi K3, Sandved M2, Majida M 4, Western K 5, Rokkones E 6, Paulsen A G7, Spydslaug A8, Staff A C8, Abdelnoor M 8 1. Ulleval University Hospital, 2. Baerum Hospital, 3. St.Olav Hospital, 4. Akerhus University Hospital, 5. Oestfold Hospital, 6. The National University Hospital, 7. Haukeland University Hospital, 8. Ullevål University Hospital

Abstract Category

Urogenital Prolapse

Abstract 35
Reconstructive Pelvic Floor Surgery:Main Auditorium
Scientific Podium Poster Session 5
Wednesday 29th November 2006
15:37 - 15:45


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