Efficacy and Safety of Tamsulosin for the Treatment of Non-neurogenic Voiding Dysfunction in Female: A 8 Week Prospective Study.

Lee K S 1, Choo M S2, Yoo T K 3, Park H J4, Yoon H 5, Jeong H 6, Lee S J 7, Kim H 8, Ahn T Y 2, Kim K S 2, Han D H1, Park W H 9 1. Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, 2. Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan, 3. Eulji University School of Medicine, 4. Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, 5. Ewha Womans University, 6. Seoul National University Boramae Hospital, 7. Kyung-Hee University Hospital, 8. Hallym University, 9. Inha University College of Medicine

Abstract Category

LUTS in Women

Abstract 379
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Scientific Non Discussion Abstract Session 19


01/05/2024 06:12:10