A prospective randomised controlled study comparing vaginal prolapse repair with and without Tensionfree Vaginal Tape (TVT) in women with severe pelvic organ prolapse and occult stress incontinence

Schierlitz L1, Dwyer P1, Rosamilia A2, Murray C1, Thomas E1, Taylor N2, Hiscock R1, Lim Y1, Achtari C1, De Souza A1

Abstract Category

Urogenital Prolapse

Abstract 114
Surgery for Stress Incontinence:Room: Grote Zaal - Chairs: Elizabeth Gormley & Pieter Venema
Scientific Podium Session 15
Friday 24th August 2007
15:30 - 15:45
1. Mercy Hopsital for Women, Heidelberg, Australia, 2. Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, Australia


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