The adjustable male sling can be successfully implanted by transobturator approach for treating post-prostatectomy urinary incontinence. Surgical technique and early results of a multicenter trial

Romano S V1, Hubner W2, Trigo Rocha F3, Muller V4, Nakamura F5

Abstract Category

Surgery for Stress Incontinence

Abstract 17
Videos - Surgical Techniques I
Scientific Podium Video Session 4
Thursday 1st October 2009
13:50 - 14:00
Hall A
1. Urology Departments, Hospital Durand, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2. Dept. of Urology, Humanis Clinic, Korneuburg, Lower Austria, Austria, 3. Hospital das clinicas, São Paulo , Brasil, 4. Hospital Dos Servidores Do Estado, Rio De Janeiro, Brasil, 5. Centro Medico Ultralitho, Florianopolis, Brazil


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