Optimal management of abnormal post voiding residual volumes following vaginal prolapse surgery: a randomized controlled trial comparing clean intermittent catheterization (CIC) and transurethral indwelling catheterisation (TIC)

Hakvoort R A1, Thijs S2, Bouwmeester F3, Ruhe I4, Vernooij M5, Broekman A6, Burger M7, Emanuel M H1, Roovers J P7

Abstract Category

Reconstructive Surgery. Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Abstract 58
Meshes and Techniques
Scientific Podium Poster Session 7
Wednesday 25th August 2010
17:25 - 17:30
Room 716
1. Spaarne Hospital, 2. Maxima Medical Center, 3. Waterland Hospital, 4. Flevo Hospital, 5. MESOS Medical Center, 6. Twee Steden Hospital, 7. Academic Medical Center

Robert Alexander Hakvoort



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