Autologous plasma coating leading to improved biocompatibility of meshes used for hernia, incontinence and organ prolapse repair – results of in-vitro and in-vivo studies

Eimer C1, Gerullis H1, Georgas E1, Panke K1, Ramon A2, Klosterhalfen B3, Boros M4, Otto T1

Abstract Category

Reconstructive Surgery. Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Abstract 146
Prolapse Evaluation, Lower Bowel Dysfunction and Basic Science
Scientific Podium Poster Session 14
Thursday 18th October 2012
13:45 - 13:50
1. Lukas Hospital, German Centre for innovative techniques in medicine, Neuss, Germany, 2. ITERA, 3. Department of pathology, Dueren, Germany, 4. Department for surgical research, university Szeged, Hungary


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