Multicenter prospective study of the AdVance XP male sling: outcome and complications

Kretschmer A1, Klehr B1, Gozzi C2, Gebhartl P3, Homberg R4, May F5, Rehder P6, Stief C G1, Bauer R M1

Abstract Category

Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) / Voiding Dysfunction

Abstract 308
Male Incontinence
Scientific Podium Poster Session 18
Wednesday 22nd October 2014
15:30 - 15:35
Room B1
Quality of Life (QoL) Male Stress Urinary Incontinence Surgery Prospective Study
1. Ludwig-Maximilians-University, 2. Urology Bozen, 3. Urology Voecklabruck, 4. Urology Hamm, 5. Urology Dachau, 6. University Innsbruck

Alexander Kretschmer



17/05/2024 12:57:30