ICS CORE CURRICULUM (FREE), How do invasive urodynamic studies affect my clinical decision in non-neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction? A workshop of the ICS Urodynamics Committee based on Interactive Case Discussions.

Workshop 23

Workshop Schedule


Tufan Tarcan


Carlos Levi D'Ancona


Maurizio Serati


Christopher Harding



Aims & Objectives

90 minutes
Urodynamics Lower urinary tract dysfunction Decision-making
Urology, Urogynaecology and Female & Functional Urology

Urodynamic studies (UDS) are the gold standard methods to assess lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD). ICS standard urodynamic testing includes uroflowmetry and PVR plus transurethral cystometry and pressure-flow study. UDS should be done when they can have consequences for the patient’s management. This task is however challenging requires a thorough clinical and urodynamic expertise. The present ICS Urodynamics Committee workshop will solely focus on clinical cases with urodynamic charts and explore how UDS change our decision-making in different types of non-neurogenic LUTD including female urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, overactive bladder, and male lower urinary tract symptoms.

Learning Objectives

  • To learn when the invasive UDS are indicated in men with LUTS and how they affect the treatment choice. To learn how to diagnose bladder outflow obstruction and assess bladder contractility
  • To understand the interpretation of invasive UDS in women with urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. To learn how to diagnose urodynamic stress urinary incontinence.
  • To learn the role of UDS in decision-making in overactive bladder and female LUTS. To understand how to diagnose detrusor overactivity and female bladder outflow obstruction and detrusor underactivity.

