Pelvic Floor Muscle Function in strictly Asymptomatic Parous Women Aged 45-85 years and its relation to Pelvic Organ Prolapse.

Slieker-ten Hove M C P1, Pool-Goudzwaard A2, Bloembergen H3, Vierhout M4 1. Erasmus Medical Center, Department of Gynecology, 2. Erasmus Medical Center, Department of Biomedical Physics and Technology, 3. Erasmus Medical Center, Medical Faculty, 4. University Medical Center Nijmegen, Department of Gynecology

Abstract Category

Pelvic Floor

Abstract 50
Rehabilitation and Conservative Treatment:Chaired by Jean Hay Smith and Kari Bo
Scientific Podium Session 7
Thursday 1st September 2005
10:15 - 10:30


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