Lower urinary tract dysfunctions in patients with Parkinson’s Disease.- Influence of age, gender, disease duration, motor severity and medication

liu Z1, Uchiyama T1, Sakakibara R2, Yamamoto T1, Ito T1, Yamaguchi C3, Yamanishi T4, Hattori T1

Abstract Category

Neurourology: Clinical

Abstract 404
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Scientific Non Discussion Abstract Session 19
1. Department of Neurology Granduate School of Medicine Chiba University, Japan, 2. Neurology Division, Department of Internal Medicine, Sakura Medical Center, Toho University, Sakura, Japan, 3. Central Laboratory Unit, Department of Molecular Diagnosis, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan, 4. Department of Urology, Koshigaya Hospital, School of Medicine, Dokkyo University


25/04/2024 00:44:35