Urodynamic Effects of a Novel Peripheral Selective Cannabinoid-2-Receptor Agonist (Cannabinor) on Bladder Function in Conscious Rats

Gratzke C1, Streng T2, Stief C1, Downs T R3, Alroy I4, Rosenbaum J3, Andersson K5, Hedlund P6

Abstract Category

Pharmacology: Basic Science

Abstract 496
Non-Discussion Posters
Scientific Non Discussion Poster Session 32
1. Department of Urology, LMU Munich, Germany, 2. Department of Pharmacology, Turku University, Finland, 3. Women´s Health, Procter & Gamble Health Care, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 4. Pharmos Limited, Rehovot, Israel, 5. Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, USA, 6. Lund University, Sweden


24/04/2024 17:11:08