What are the predictive factors of the cure and complication rates for midurethral slings in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women: a multicentric study

Citgez S1, Demirkesen O1, Simsir A2, Özyurt C2, Mangir N3, Tarcan T3, Ciftci S4, Özkürkçügil C4, Irkilata L5, Sen I5, Cetinel B1

Abstract Category

Surgery for Stress Incontinence

Abstract 460
Non Discussion Poster
Scientific Non Discussion Poster Session 34
Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Retrospective Study
1. Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, 2. Ege Medical Faculty, 3. Marmara Medical Faculty, 4. Kocaeli Medical Faculty, 5. Gazi Medical Faculty


19/04/2024 12:09:22