Clinical characteristics associated with successful use of a novel Vaginal Bowel Control (VBC) system for the treatment of fecal incontinence

Matthews C1, Varma M G2, Takase-Sanchez M3, Hale D3, VanDrie D4, Muir T5, Wells E1, Jannelli M1, Richter H E6

Abstract Category

Anorectal / Bowel Dysfunction

Abstract 411
Anorectal Dysfunction
Scientific Podium Poster Session 29
Thursday 23rd October 2014
11:30 - 11:35
Room B8
Anal Incontinence Conservative Treatment Female New Devices Pelvic Floor
1. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 2. University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, 3. Urogynecology Associates, Indianapolis, IN, 4. Grand Rapids Women's Health, Grand Rapids, MI, 5. University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, 6. University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL


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