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The Birthplace of the United States

Originally the capital of North America, Philadelphia has a history enriched with culture, history and symbolism. The city is a melting pot of races, traditions and immigrant cultures and also possesses amenities that only the city's own heritage can provide. It is the home to the Liberty Bell and the Declaration of Independence, both tributes to the city's revolution. Widely known as PHILLY and also called the City of 'Brotherly Love,' it is the largest city in the state of Pennsylvania and the sixth most populous city in the United States and North America. With 4 centuries of history, its unique story is narrated in the architecture, neighbourhoods, streets, and museums. Beautiful green landscape fringes the vibrant concoction of the business district and shopping and dining precincts. But it is not just the physical beauty that allures tourists – it is the cultural, culinary and artistic jewels that will entertain in some way or another.

We are excited to host the most renowned international experts in the research and the treatment of pelvic organs and pelvic floor dysfunctions, with particular regard to incontinence. The meeting is multidisciplinary, bringing together all the professionals working in the field: urologists, gynaecologists, neurologists, physiatrists, physiotherapists, nurses, midwives and basic scientists.

Meeting Venue
Pennsylvania Convention CENTER (PCC)

19/04/2024 11:24:30  2946
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