Convince the boss

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Convince the boss

Attending ICS is a great way to not only advance your own career but also help your improve the lives of your patients. No matter how excited you may be to attend ICS 2018 you still have to convince your boss to let you attend! You need to demonstrate the benefits of the meeting to your continuing medical education and persuade your boss that it's worth the investment of time and money.

Below you'll find a sample email to help you convince your boss to allow you the time to attend

Just copy & paste!

Hi [insert boss’s name],

Have you heard about ICS 2018? It’s the International Continence Society annual meeting and it takes place in Philadelphia, 28-31st August 2018.

ICS has been around for almost 50 years and brings together the most renowned international experts in the research and the treatment of pelvic organs and pelvic floor dysfunctions, with particular regard to incontinence. The meeting is multidisciplinary, bringing together all the professionals working in the field: urologists, gynaecologists, neurologists, physiotherapists, nurses, midwives and basic scientists.

As an ICS delegate, I’ll be able to:

  1. Gain CME credits: ICS is always accredited and further details of the specific amounts will be available soon.
  2. Learn from personalised sessions: ICS is a 4 day meeting, which means less time away from our organisation with over 100 sessions, including State of the Art Lectures, Round tables and Scientific Sessions. Tracked themed sessions will help me craft a curriculum just for me. We also use the latest tech from mobile apps to ePosters.
  3. Attend sessions led by experts: I will be able to attend workshops and sessions led by ICS experts, thought leaders and network with international leaders in the field of incontinence. I will have the opportunity to discuss my research findings and practice with experts from around the globe of all different disciplines.
  4. Learn about the latest insights: The exhibition area will showcase the latest tools available to ensure that we stay ahead of the curve. With over 30 companies present there will be something for everyone and I will be able to see what changes like ahead and how we can adapt.
  5. Network: There will be plenty of opportunities to mingle with other delegates, network and share experiences and perspectives with like minded people from the continence community around the world.

It costs approximately $XXXX for 4 days (including registration, hotel, flight, etc.). You can see more about it on the ICS website.

Think it over and let me know if we can discuss this at our next meeting.
[Your name]

17/04/2024 09:32:10  14703
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