Urinary Symptoms and Their Correlation with Chikungunya


Research Type


Abstract Category


Abstract 354
On Demand Neurourology
Scientific Open Discussion Session 24
Voiding Dysfunction Urgency/Frequency Bladder Outlet Obstruction Underactive Bladder Overactive Bladder




Hypothesis / aims of study
Introduction: Chikungunya is an arbovirus that has the Aedes Aegypti mosquito as a vector, associated with a clinical picture of fever associated with headache, myalgia and joint complaints, which is the main point of distinction from other arboviruses. In general, the condition ends in up to 10 days, but in a number of cases there may be chronicity of the disease, where the patient remains with arthralgia for months. Another unusual manifestation is when neurological signs and symptoms occur, this presentation causes the disease to become more severe and can lead to myelitis, encephalitis, meningoencephalitis and Guillain Barré syndrome, there are some reports citing the presence of urinary retention as voiding symptoms in these conditions. It can alter kidney function and further complicate the initial condition. Objectives: Evaluate the possible relationship of lower urinary tract symptoms in patients previously diagnosed with Chikungunya.
Study design, materials and methods
Methodology: Exploratory, descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative study that was carried out in a private clinic, the population (N) consists of 27 medical records of patients who, after being diagnosed with Chikungunya, performed a urodynamic study at above-mentioned clinic, performed by the same doctor and the sample were selected in a non-probabilistic way for convenience and evaluated in a census.
The results obtained in the study had an average age of 61.55 years (± 17.88), with a predominance of female individuals in the 1.45F: 1M ratio. Among the most frequent comorbidities in the sample stands out Systemic Arterial Hypertension present in 51.8%, Diabetes Mellitus in 33.3%, in addition to Guillain Barré Syndrome, Parkinson's Disease, Benign Prostate Hyperplasia and recurrent Urinary Tract Infection all present in 7.4% each. Despite the 2 cases of Guillain Barré Syndrome, there were no other cases of myelitis, as reported in other studies. Storage symptoms were increased daytime frequency 19 (70,37%), urgency 21 (77,7%), urge urinary incontinence 19 (70,37%) and nocturia 14 (51,8%). Voiding symptoms were present as hesitancy 10 (37%), slow stream 14 (51,8%), intermittent stream 14 (51,8%). Post micturition symptoms were feeling of incomplete emptying 14 (51,8%). During cystometry the average maximum filling was 500 ml (± 124) and the average of 1st desire occurred with 155.4 ml (± 104.4), while in urofluxometry, among the patients who presented spontaneous diuresis there was an average residual volume of 103 ml (± 123.8), maximum flow rate of 11.33 ml / s (± 5.7) and average urine volume of 220.7 ml (± 158.7).
Interpretation of results
Finally, the causes for urinary symptoms presented were related to overactive bladder in 70.3%, bladder outlet obstruction in 62.9%, stress urinary incontinence in 18.5%, detrusor areflexia in 14.8% and reduced bladder sensation by 3.7%.
Concluding message
Conclusion: The present study has a small population, but voiding symptoms and post micturition symptoms predominate as main cause of urinary symptoms presented in Chikungunya.
Funding none Clinical Trial No Subjects Human Ethics Committee Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Unipê Helsinki Yes Informed Consent No
08/05/2024 20:03:21