6 - 9 October 2015

Montreal, Canada





ICS 2015

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ICS 2015

It was a pleasure to see so many ICS members at the recent ICS 2015 meeting in Montreal! The feedback we received from delegates so far has been fantastic. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to inform us of your thoughts on the meeting and the aspects of the meeting that you enjoyed, as well as those areas where we might improve. You may want to try and spot yourself in our fantastic set of photos of the meeting.

ICS 2015 Photo Album

Now that the dust is settling from the meeting we can take time to reflect on certain aspects. This year we introduced the 4 day meeting, including 1 day of workshops and 3 days of integrated scientific and educational programmes, creating a richer and more condensed programme. We also embraced the concept of tracked programmes to ensure there was something for everyone running throughout each day. Many delegates informed the Board/Scientific Committee that they found these tracks beneficial but would like longer breaks between the sessions, which is something we will consider when scheduling the sessions next year. We also launched the new e-poster sessions. Again the feedback so far has been that they are a great way to view posters and they avoid the inconvenience of producing, transporting and displaying paper versions.

There were several highlights at the meeting, including the spectacular dance moves seen at the Annual Dinner! Scott Hultgren opened proceedings for us. His down to earth approach on a highly complicated topic was fascinating. His way of explaining the complex microbiology involved in re-evaluating UTI’s made it clearer for many of us. In addition to our well attended symposia there were an array of sessions for every profession linked to the field of continence. I expect most of you, like me, could not get to everything so you will be pleased to know that we filmed over 75% of the meeting. If you haven’t already, please subscribe to ICS TV so that you can be notified by email as soon as new webcasts of the meeting become available.


Next year's meeting will take place on September 13th-16th in Tokyo, Japan. We sincerely hope you will attend what promises to be a most unique Annual Scientific Meeting. I remind you that the meeting will include the integrated International Consultation on Incontinence (ICI) sessions at no additional cost to delegates.

Workshop application submission opens 1st November, closing on 4th January 2016. Abstract submissions open on 1st March 2016 and close on 1st April 2016. For more information on ICS 2016 or how to submit your workshop/abstract then please see the ICS 2016 website.

ICS 2016 Tokyo

Thank you to all of the members who attended ICS 2015 and we look forward to welcoming you to ICS 2016 in Tokyo.

21/10/2024 09:57:52  1783
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