ICS Core Curriculum (Free): ICS Glossary Discussion Preview

Workshop 25

Workshop Schedule


Elizabeth R Shelly


Luis Miguel Abranches-Monteiro


Desiree Vrijens


Elizabeth R Shelly


Sajjad Rahnama'i


Sajjad Rahnama'i

Aims & Objectives

90 minutes
Research Methods / Techniques
Social media Underactive Bladder PFM tone
ICS members from all disciplines and languages including MD, PT, RN, basic science, patients, and industry working together to establish standard terms and definitions.

ICS experts establish terms and definitions used in research, education, and publication. Good definitions require input from all disciplines - MD, PT, RN, OT, basic science, patients, and industry - Urology, Gynaecology, Gastroenterology - experienced and newly qualified - and many different languages. This workshop is intended to introduce participants to the importance of active debate on standard terms. It will include live posting on the wiki with opportunities to influence terms and definitions. Bring your mobile device and participate in real time. Be the change, influence the future of ICS and urology publications.

Learning Objectives

  • • Recognise the importance of standard terms and how they affect medical practice and patient care. • Learn how ICS standard terms and definitions are created, discussed and refined. • Understand the use of social media in healthcare. • Create a Wiki login and post a comment on ICS standard terms. • Live debate of the definitions of "PFM tone" and "underactive bladder"

