Advertising Support Opportunities

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Advertising Support Opportunities


App push notification
One “push notification” sent to all participants* onsite through the mobile app, to be coordinated with Meeting Organiser. Specifications will be provided by the congress organisers.
*Only for those participants who have opted to receive such information.

Gain additional exposure for your Symposium, company or exhibition booth by sending out a Mail Blast to the preregistered delegates who have agreed to disclose their details at a date and time coordinated with the Meeting Organiser.

  • Exclusive: Mail blast will be exclusive for the supporting company. The designed mail blast (html format with Kenes design requirements) and the preferred "Subject" to be provided by the Supporter and subject to receipt by 6 weeks prior to the Meeting. "From" field will be ICS 2019.
  • Joint: Mail blast will list all supporting companies according to the support level. Each company will have a section of approximately 150 words. Design will be provided by Organiser.

Delegate Bag Inserts

  • Inclusion of one-page promotional material in the participants' Meeting bags
  • Material should be provided by the Supporter and approved by the Secretariat
  • Supporters' product information will be available for all Meeting participants

Final programme

Full inside page colour/Inside back page/Inside back Sold out/Double spread advertisement in designated section of the Final Programme. The Final Programme will contain the timetable, information about the scientific programme and other useful information. It will be distributed to all registered participants in the Meeting bags.

  • The advertisement will be printed in the designated industry section of the programme, according to compliance regulations.
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section of the programme guide, on the event website and application, and with signage during the event.

E Advertisements in the mobile application

  • The supporter will be able to provide a designed PDF to be presented in a separate tab under "Sponsored Advertisements" in the main menu of the mobile application.
  • This can be used as an advertisement to your exhibition booth, Industry supported session, or any other activity planned during the event.

Advertisement/branding options
For more information regarding the possible branding at the venue, please contact Noa Freilich

Please note that it is the Exhibitor’s / Supporter’s responsibility to comply with the local authority’s regulations, EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceuticals Industries & Associations) and IFMPA (International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations) Code of Practice on the Promotion of Medicines.

Failure to comply with these regulations may not be used as a ground to declare the contract void. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations will not expose the Organiser to any suits, demands by the Exhibitor/Supporter or any other third party.

17/09/2024 12:12:28  15188
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