Hands-on workshop for managing lower bowel dysfunction

Workshop 9

Workshop Schedule


Sandra J Engberg


Sandra J Engberg
Julia Herbert
Carlene Igbedioh


Sandra J Engberg
Julia Herbert
Carlene Igbedioh


Sandra J Engberg
Julia Herbert
Carlene Igbedioh



Aims & Objectives

90 minutes
Anorectal / Bowel Dysfunction
Transanal irrigation Rectal balloon training Bowel diaries
Bowel Dysfunction, Conservative Management

Lower bowel dysfunction, including faecal incontinence and difficult evacuation disorders, occur in about 18% of the community-living population. First-line management of bowel dysfunction is conservative. Conservative management interventions allow the patient to learn to self-manage defecation and evacuation in a predictable manner.
This workshop will focus on the ‘hands-on’ practical training of transanal irrigation, rectal balloon training and the content and appropriate use of bowel diaries in the management of lower bowel dysfunction. Participants will have an opportunity to increase knowledge and skills about all three bowel dysfunction management strategies based on current evidence at different interactive stations.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain use and steps of trans-anal irrigation as part of the management of lower bowel dysfunction
  • Explain use and steps of rectal balloon training as part of the management of lower bowel dysfunction
  • Discuss use and desired items of a bowel diary as part of the assessment and management of lower bowel dysfunction

