06 - 08 May 2017

Istanbul, Turkey





Turkish Continence Society Urodynamics Certification Course


The next Turkish Continence Society - Urodynamics Certification Course (theoretical) will be held in Istanbul 6-8th May 2017.

This course has been recognised by the ICS as providing training in urodynamics that conforms to ICS standards, including a training course and assessment of participants' urodynamic experience.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course the attendant will be able to:

  1. Review clinical, technological and environmental aspects of urodynamic laboratory
  2. Discuss patient preparation for multichannel urodynamic testing, including focused history and physical assessment, and taking informed consent.
  3. Discuss technical and clinical aspects of multichannel urodynamic study, including complex uroflowmetry, multichannel filling cystometrogram, voiding pressure flow study, pelvic muscle electromyography and urethral pressure profilometry.
  4. Review patient procedures for antisepsis, preparing disposable equipment for multichannel filling cystometrogram and voiding pressure flow study including zeroing transducers, setting an appropriate reference level, identifying appropriate pressure measurement and troubleshooting artifacts.
  5. Review procedures for preparing disposable equipment for measuring urethral pressure profilometry, including timing of evaluation, and appropriate positioning of patient.
  6. Discuss elements of the filling cystometrogram such as cystometric capacity, bladder wall compliance, competence of the urethral sphincter mechanism, sensations of bladder filling and detrusor response to bladder filling.
  7. Discuss elements of the voiding pressure flow study such as uroflowmetry pattern, detrusor contraction strength, pelvic floor muscle response to micturition and urethral resistance.
  8. Apply principles of pressure measurement to identification of an abdominal event, detrusor event, physiologic artifact and technological artifact.
  9. Apply knowledge of multichannel urodynamic testing to observation and interpretation of data produced during live urodynamic testing.
  10. Synthesize knowledge of results from the filling cystometrogram and voiding pressure flow study into interpretation of findings in patients experiencing failure to store urine because of the bladder, bladder outlet or a combination of these factors.

For more information or to register please click here.

26/04/2024 21:44:32  2817
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