27 - 27 May 2021

Tehran, Iran





Iranian Urology Association (IUA)


ICS is pleased to announce the IUA Annual Meeting, taking place online on 27th May 2021.

Sakineh Hajebrahimi is the local host and ICS coordinator on behalf of this course. ICS are providing three speakers to this event namely, David Castro-Diaz, Salvador Arlandis and Philip Van Kerrebroeck.

The speakers will present the topics: Diagnosis and management of female micturation phase symptoms, management of nocturia. As well as the TURNOVER project (Transition of fUnctional uRology to New COVID ERa). Strategies in Functional Urology and Urogynecology for transition to the new COVID-19 era: a Delphi consensus ICS project.

For Further information or reservation, please direct your queries to:
Sakineh Hajebrahimi: hajebrahimis@gmail.com

19/04/2024 20:02:47  18443
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