John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

Neurouropelviperineology Course 1. The Basics


The ICS Neurourology Promotion Committee are pleased to release the first set of modules of the ICS Course on Neurouropelviperineology. Presented by Brigitte Schurch, Pierre Manuel Denys, Rizwan Hamid, Charalampos Konstantinidis and Jerzy B Gajewski.

There are approximately 50 topics covered by the course in short, 10 minute modules. The content has been prepared by a range of ICS members and professions and we are pleased to announce the next 7 modules will be aired live via the ICS website.

The aims and objectives of the modules are to:

1.To improve care and access to care of patients with neurogenic bladder and neurogenic pelvic disorders by the promotion of a multidisciplinary team approach with PMR physicians (physiatrists), neurologists, urologists and urogynaecologists)
2.To promote a high level education programme in accordance with the objectives of the ICS Neurourology promotion committee
3 To give a modern, accessible at home and efficient tool by using a programme accessible online all over the world on the ICS website.

The "Evaluation" Modules was presented at 13:30 on 8th May 2021, exclusive and free to ICS members.

05/02/2025 08:53:04  19039
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