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ICS Bingo!

Thursday 14 Oct 2021 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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During ICS 2021 Melbourne Online ICS will be hosting ICS Bingo!

You’ll receive a link to your Bingo card via email which will be sent ahead of the meeting. Each Bingo card is composed of a random mix of numbers and company logos. Each logo hides a number. You need to go to the exhibition area scroll around the booths to discover the hidden numbers. To reveal a hidden number, follow the logo to the matching company in the virtual exhibition. Start a chat discussion with the respective company representative. At the end of the chat, ask the representative to share their secret Bingo number with you. Please note you can chat with company representatives in their booths and start collecting Bingo numbers from date and throughout the Meeting. Write down all the numbers you receive from the companies to use as reference during the game.

You must reveal all the hidden numbers in order to play the game. The prizes for the winners will be:

  1. Kindle Fire!
  2. ICS 2022 Registration and Membership
  3. $70 USD Amazon gift card

The Bingo Event will take place on Saturday 16th October 15:30 BST

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