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Registration now open for ICS Advanced Training Weekend 2019

Monday 29 Apr 2019 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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The ICS is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2019 ICS Advanced Training Weekend.

The registration fee is £1000 (inc VAT) or £650 per day with a ratio of 1:4 per cadaver. This includes all training, breaks, lunch and one evening meal. Please note you need to be an ICS member to register for this event.

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This Urinary Incontinence surgical training weekend in the centre of Bristol, England, is a unique opportunity to get exposure to a range of training and surgical techniques surrounding stress and urgency urinary incontinence. You will have several hours of practice on the fresh frozen cadavers covering such topics as synthetic and non-synthetic treatment of stress urinary incontinence, BOTOX into the bladder and sacral neuromodulation placement for urgency urinary incontinence. This course is aimed at senior trainees about to start their consultancy position or early career consultants.

Sat 5th & Sun 6th October 2019

Training will take place in Bristol at the Vesalius Clinical Training Unit, University of Bristol

Delegates can choose to attend both days or single days depending on their chosen topics. To attend both days the cost is £1000, otherwise its £650 per day.

DAY 1: 5th October: Stress Urinary incontinence

Start Time End Time Topic Speaker
09:00 09:05 Welcome from the ICS General Secretary David Castro Diaz
09:05 09:30 Introduction Hashim Hashim
09:30 10:00 Anatomy of the pelvis and pelvic floor Chendrimada Madhu
10:00 11:00 Terminology, Diagnosis & Treatment including pelvic floor physiotherapy Marcus Drake, Jennifer Pinkstone
11:00 13:00 Hands on: Stress Urinary Incontinence – Synthetic slings TVT/TOT,Removal of incontinence mesh Hashim Hashim, Marcus Drake, Chendrimada Madhu, Mo Belal, Jennifer Pinkstone, Mehool Acharya, Talal Jabbar, Chris Harding, Tamsin Greenwell
13:00 14:00 Lunch
14:00 17:00 Hands on: Colposuspension/Autologous Sling/Bulking Agent Hashim Hashim, Marcus Drake, Chendrimada Madhu, Mo Belal, Jennifer Pinkstone, Talal Jabbar, Chris Harding, Tamsin Greenwell

DAY 2: 6th October: Refractory overactive bladder

Start Time End Time Topic Speaker
08:30 09:00 Overactive Bladder Diagnosis & Treatment Hashim Hashim
09:00 12:30 Hands on: Botulinum Toxin Type A in the Bladder (theory and practical), Augmentation cystoplasty/mitrofanoff Hashim Hashim, Mo Belal, Talal Jabbar, Chris Harding, Tamsin Greenwell
12:30 13:00 Lunch
13:00 17:00 Hands on: SNM (theory and practical) Hashim Hashim, Mo Belal, Talal Jabbar, Chris Harding, Tamsin Greenwell


We are pleased to confirm the following world-renowned ICS speakers for this event:

  • Course Director: Hashim Hashim (Bristol) Urologist
  • Marcus Drake (Bristol) Urologist
  • Mo Belal
  • Jennifer Pinkstone (Bristol) Physiotherapist
  • Christopher Harding
  • Tamsin Greenwell
  • Talal Jabbar
  • Mehool Acharya
  • Chendrimada Madhu

Space is limited and on a first-come first-served basis.

Registration Cancellation Policy
All cancellations must be sent by email:

  • Cancellations received until 5 August, 2019 – full refund.
  • Cancellations received between 5 August – 20th September, 2019 – 50% will be refunded.
  • After 20 September, 2019 – no refund will be made.
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