05 March 2023






Pharmacology for Pain: ICS Global Pelvic Pain Exchange Program

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Pharmacology for Pain: ICS Global Pelvic Pain Exchange Program

ICS Global Pelvic Pain Exchange Program - Collaborative Case Discussions

Topic: Pharmacology for Pain
Sunday March 5th, 2023 - 90 minutes
9:30am New York EST / 2:30pm UK / 3:30pm Budapest / 5:30pm Moscow / 9:30pm Vietnam

Charles Argoff – Pain Management, Neurology, USA
Andrew Dubin – Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, USA
Balázs Laskói – Pain Management, Hungary
Mickey Romics – Urology, Hungary
Elise De – Urology USA

Time Length Session Title Speaker
09:30 5 Min Webinar Introduction Collaborative Background and Invitation for Next Session Topic Elise De
09:35 5 Min Case Presentation Difficult Case Involving Medical Management Balázs Laskói
09:40 10 Min Interaction Questions and Comments All
09:50 15 Min Didactic Lecture Pharmacology for Pain Charles Argoff
10:05 10 Min Interaction Questions and Comments
10:15 5 Min Case Quip On the Sunny Side: a Case We Solved
10:30 15 Min Didactic Lecture Pharmacology for Pain Andrew Dubin
10:40 15 Min Interaction Questions and Comments / Spontaneous Cases
10:55 5 Min Closing Statement Mickey Romics Mickey Romics

All Discussion Sessions:

Discussion Session Date
Pudendal Neuropathy Sunday, January 8, 2023
Pharmacology for Pain Sunday, March 5, 2023
Physiotherapy for Pain Sunday, April 16, 2023
Psychological Aspects of Pain Friday, May 5, 2023
Rectal / Perianal Pain Sunday, June 4, 2023

If you have a 10 minute lecture you would like to deliver on pelvic pain, please send your concept and a sample of your slides to romicsurologia@gmail.com

Thank you from this ICS Working Group and we look forward to seeing you online!
Elise De (Urogynecology/Urology)
Charles Argoff (Neurology/Pain Management)
Phil Bearn (Colorectal Surgery)
Miklos Romics (Urology)
Artem Loktev (Urology)
Beth Shelly (Physiotherapy)
Nucelio Lemos (Urogynecology/Neuropelveology)

21/10/2024 12:43:15  19904
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