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Update from the Developing world committee

Friday 10 Feb 2017 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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As a newly established committee, the ICS Developing World Committee launched its objective at the ICS Annual Meeting 2016, Tokyo Japan. Since then, the members of the committee have finalised planning and now are in the initiation phase of committee activities.

A major priority of the committee is that to encourage health providers of developing countries to cooperate and engage in its scientific and research programs so there would be a possibility for local interventions by the member stakeholders in the deprived areas.

Another objective of the committee is to design a study evaluating the prevalence and burden of urinary incontinence and lower urinary tract symptoms in developing countries. This study will provide pilot data for future planning. The committee is also planning to submit workshop proposals and educational programs for Florence 2017.

The committee is interested in cooperating with other sections of the ICS including the Standardisation and Terminology Committee as well as the Continence Promotion Committee. The Developing World Committee foresees a point where it can offer data and advice about incontinence and related conditions in developing countries.

The Developing World Committee invites colleagues in developing countries to collaborate with our research endeavours and educational programs. With this collaboration we hope to represent a united voice for the developing world at the ICS.

Article by Sakineh Hajebrahimi, Chair of the Developing World Committee

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