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Biannual News from The Developing World Committee

Friday 26 Apr 2019 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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The primary aim of the Developing World Committee is to improve the quality of incontinence care in middle- and lower-income countries. There’s a sincere lack of epidemiological data regarding prevalence of urinary incontinence in the developing world. Therefore, the Committee performed a systematic review to find the prevalence of urinary incontinence in this population. Based on the variety of prevalence rate reporting in the developing world we formed a priority setting for countries that need more support.

The committee is also planning several projects to complete throughout the year. The first was a workshop with several live surgeries, that took place in December 2018, in Sudan.

The committee will also be translating four algorithms from the ICI incontinence book regarding management of urinary incontinence in male and female patients, pelvic organ prolapses, and feacal incontinence. Currently Turkish, Persian and Arabic, translations are ready to be published. Translation to other languages has been planned as well.

The committee is working on a new interactive workshop for the ICS 2019 Annual Scientific meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden. The committee is also considering social media and networking to promote education and knowledge of health providers in the developing world. Furthermore, with the support of the educational committee we’re planning more educational courses speakers for the developing world. The committee always welcomes any ideas about improving continence care in this part of the world. Please contact the ICS office with any suggestions:

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