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Strategies and Management of Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic - Take Part in the Survey!

Friday 08 Jan 2021 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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The TURNOVER project (Transition of fUnctional uRology to New COVID ERa). Strategies in Functional Urology and Urogynecology for transition to the new COVID-19 era: a Delphi consensus ICS project.

Thank you for taking an interest in the TURNOVER ICS project.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we face female and functional urology, as many activities have been reduced in most urology/urogynaecology departments, due to prioritising oncological and endourology stone patients. But strategies have evolved during different alarm phases (high-medium-mild) and successive COVID waves.

A group of ICS functional urology/urogynaecological experts have developed and validated questions for strategies and management of patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The objective of this project is to achieve an ICS consensus on patient management during the COVID-19 pandemic using the Delphi methodology. Results may be useful for defining strategies not only for the present, but for future similar scenarios.

We kindly request that you complete the questions expressing your level of agreement in each sentence, depending on the situation of "alarm" due to COVID (Mild-Medium-High, according to suggested table).

| Phase| I (mild alert)| II (Medium alert)| III (High alert)|
|% COVID patients hospitalized or in ICU| 5-25%| 26-50%| >50%|
| Resources| No impact (but reserved in case of)| Impact (beds reserved)| Impact on resources and staff|
| Triage in ER| None| Resp vs Non Resp| Respiratory|
| Wards for COVID| None| Reserved| Significant|
| ICU beds for COVID| None| Reserved| Significant|
| Staff Impact| None| Moderate| Significant|
| Surgical Activity| Emergencies, Oncology, Benign | Emergencies, Oncology| Emergencies|
| Diagnostic procedures| Emergencies, Oncology, Benign | Emergencies, Oncology| Emergencies|
| Consultations| Face-to-face. Selected telephone-video | Telephone-video. Selected face-to-face | Telephone-video|

Please find five links to the 5 main topics developed: Female LUTS, Male LUTS, Prolapse, Chronic Pelvic Pain and Neuro-urology:

  1. FLUTS =
  2. MLUTS =
  3. POP =
  4. CPP =
  5. Neuro =

We deeply appreciate your effort to complete the questionnaires.

Our best wishes.

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