15th Physiotherapy Roundtable

15th Physiotherapy Roundtable
Committee Activity
Wednesday 14th September 2016
14:05 - 18:45
Capacity: 120
Lunch provided
Professional interest
Conservative Management
Learning Objectives
28/01/2025 07:00:04

The Physiotherapy Round Table is an opportunity for physiotherapists, or anyone interested in physiotherapy, to network, enjoy presentations from emerging and established researchers and clinical leaders and most of all, have fun. The Round Table programme includes a variety of presentations and the opportunity to attend two workshops of your choice. The preliminary programme can be found below. Please stay to the end and join us for a drinks reception. Light food will be provided whilst you chat with friends and network with colleagues from around the world.

Pre-registration to this session is required and will cost $50. Spaces are limited so please register early.

Please note: You must be registered for the ICS Annual Meeting in order to also register for the Round Table session.

Registration Opening Soon!

Start End Topic Speaker
14:05 14:10 Welcome Heather Moky
14:10 14:30 Physiotherapy for women with vulvodynia: Is it effective? Melanie Morin
14:30 14:50 Assessment of Nocturia: a new assessment tool Wendy Bower
14:50 15:30 Pelvic floor physiotherapy in the past, where are we standing today, and how will the future look? Kari Bo
15:30 16:00 Break
16:00 16:30 Physiotherapy Committee representative report Doreen McClurg
16:30 17:15 Workshops: Delegates may select two from list below
17:15 18:00 Workshops: Delegates may select two from list below
1. Pelvic floor evaluation Chantale Dumoulin
2. Anal incontinence Bary Bergmans
3. Overactive bladder Margaret Sherburn
4. Effect of Peripartum PFME Siv Morkved
5. ICF as an assessment tool Barbara Koehler
6. Neurogenic Bladder/Bowel Doreen McClurg
7. Male Incontinence Heather Moky
8. Assessment of Nocturia Wendy Bower
18:00 18:45 Drinks Reception

We look forward to seeing you in Tokyo!

