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Dr Chong-He Jiang

ICS 2021

Open Discussion Session 24 On Demand Neurourology 329 Characterization of C afferents in the bladder pelvic nerve of the rat

ICS 2019


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Chong-He Jiang

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发表时间 论著(论文)名称 发表载体 论著(论文)作者
2012 Cause of Residual Urine in Bladder Outlet Obstruction:An Experimental Study in the Rat
以暨南大学清远市人民医院为单位署名 J Urology, 188: 1027-32,影响因子4 Jianwen Zeng, Chuzao Pan, Chonghe Jiang* and Sivert Lindström本人为通讯作者
发表时间 论著(论文)名称 发表载体 论著(论文)作者
2011 Bladder Mechanoreceptor Changes after Artificial Bladder Outlet Obstruction in the Rat.
以暨南大学清远市人民医院为单位署名 Neurourol. Urodyn. 影响因子2.93 (DOI 10.1002/nau.21219) Jianwen Zeng, Keji Xie, Chonghe Jiang*, Jianfeng Mo, Sivert Lindström,
2011 The roles of stem cell factor on the loss of interstitial cells of Cajal in the bladder of diabetic rats
暨南大学清远市人民医院为单位署名 Urology
影响因子2.64 (DOI 10.1016/j.urology. 2011.08.019) Wei Chen, Chonghe Jiang, Xiyu Jin, Wenhao Shen, Bo Song, Longkun Li本人为并列第一作者
2010 Protective effect of Erythropoietin on renal injury induced by acute exhaustive exercise in the rat.
以湖南师大医学院为单位署名 Int J Sports Med. 2010 Nov 11.
影响因子1.9 Xixu. Lin, Shulin. Qu*, Minyu. Hu, Chonghe Jiang 本人为讲座教授指导导师
2009 Clinical Significance of IL-2, IL-10, and TNF-alpha in Prostatic Secretion of Patients With Chronic Prostatitis
以湖南湘雅三院为单位署名 Urology, 75(3):654-7
影响因子 2.64 He L, Wang Y, Long Z, Jiang C.H.* 本人为通讯作者
2009 Newly found prostate-bladder axon reflex in rats. Urology
以三军大西南医院为单位署名 Urology, 74(6):1365-9
影响因子 2.64 Bo Song, Chonghe Jiang, Yongquan Wang, Yang Lu, and Longkun Li.
2009 Gating of the micturition reflex by tonic activation of bladder cold receptors in the cat. Neurourol
湖南师大医学院为单位署名 Urodyn., 28(6):555-60
影响因子2.9 Jiang, C.H.* Mazières, L. Lindström, S本人为通讯作者,第一作者
2008 Comparison of lycopene and fluvastatin effects on atherosclerosis induced by high-fat diet in rabbits
以中南大学公共卫生学院为单位署名 Nutrition, Oct; 24(10):1030-8
影响因子 2.2 Hu Min-Yu,Li Yi-Lin,Jiang Chong-He,Liu Zhao-Qian, Qu Shu-Lin, Huang Yi-Ming本人为讲座教授指导导师
2008 Bladder cooling reflex and external urethral sphincter activity in the anesthetized and awake guinea pig
以湖南师大医学院为单位署名 Pflugers Arch Euro Physiol., Oct; 457(1): 61-6
影响因子 4.8 Jiang C.H, Yang H.Z, Fu X.H, Qu S.L, Lindström S本人为第一作者
2008 Altered expression of calcium-activated K and Cl channels in detrusor overactivity of rats with partial bladder outflow obstruction
以三军大西南医院为单位署名 BJU Int., Jun;101(12):1588-94
影响因子 2.64 Li L, Jiang C.H, Hao P, Li W, Song C, Song B
2006 Recurrent inhibition of the bladder C fibre reflex in the cat and its response to naloxone
以瑞典林雪平大学医学院为单位署名 J Physiol., 575(Pt 2):603-615
影响因子 4.2 Mazières, L. Jiang, C.H.* and Lindström, S
2004 Inhibition 0f the bladder cooling reflex in the awake stat: an experimental study in the cat
以瑞典林雪平大学医学院为单位署名 J. Urol., 172:2051-2053
影响因子 4.1 Lindström, S. and Jiang, C.H.*
2004 Cooling of the urinary bladder activates neurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord
以瑞典林雪平大学医学院为单位署名 NeuroReport, 15: 351-355
影响因子 3.1 Jiang, C.H.* and Hermanson, O
2002 Cold and menthol sensitive C-afferents of the cat´s urinary bladder
以瑞典林雪平大学医学院为单位署名 J. Physiol., 543: 211-220
影响因子 4.1 Jiang, C.H.* Mazières, L. and Lindström, S

Xixu. Lin, Shulin. Qu*, Minyu. Hu, Chonghe Jiang. (2010) Protective effect of Erythropoietin on renal injury induced by acute exhaustive exercise in the rat. Int J Sports Med. 2010 Nov 11. 第一作者, 通讯作者, 以师大为单位署名, 影响因子1.9
Fei Peng , Ming Liu, Qiongyao Huang*, Nianmeng Liu, Huazhong Yang, Hui Sun, Qi Hu, Fang Feng, Chonghe Jiang. (2010) Molluscicidal effect of eomecon chionantha alkaloids against oncomelania hupensis snails. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health, Accepted. 第一作者, 通讯作者, 以师大为单位署名, 影响因子1.1
He L, Wang Y, Long Z, Jiang C.H. (2009) Clinical Significance of IL-2, IL-10, and TNF-alpha in Prostatic Secretion of Patients With Chronic Prostatitis. Urology, 75(3):654-7, 以师大为单位署名通讯作者, 影响因子 2.64
Li L, Jiang C.H, Hao P, Li W, Song C, Song B. (2009) Newly found prostate-bladder axon reflex in rats. Urology, 74(6):1365-9, 共同第一作者, 以师大为单位署名, 影响因子 2.64
Jiang, C.H. Mazières, L. Lindström, S. (2009) Gating of the micturition reflex by tonic activation of bladder cold receptors in the cat. Neurourol. Urodyn., 28(6):555-60, 第一作者, 通讯作者, 以师大为单位署名, 影响因子2.9
Hu Min-Yu,Li Yi-Lin,Jiang Chong-He,Liu Zhao-Qian, Qu Shu-Lin, Huang Yi-Ming, (2008) Comparison of lycopene and fluvastatin effects on atherosclerosis induced by high-fat diet in rabbits. Nutrition, Oct; 24(10):1030-8. 以师大为单位署名并且以师大人员为通讯作者, 影响因子 2.2
Jiang C.H, Yang H.Z, Fu X.H, Qu S.L, Lindström S, (2008) Bladder cooling reflex and external urethral sphincter activity in the anesthetized and awake guinea pig. Pflugers Arch Euro Physiol., Oct; 457(1): 61-6, 第一作者, 以师大为单位署名并且以师大人员为通讯作者, 影响因子 4.8
Li L, Jiang C.H, Song C, Song B, Li W, (2008) Transurethral Endoscopy Technique with a Ureteroscope for Diagnosis and Management of Seminal Tracts Disorders: A New Approach. J Endourol., Apr; 22(4):719-24, 以师大为单位署名, 影响因子 1.54
Li L, Jiang C.H, Hao P, Li W, Song C, Song B. (2008) Altered expression of calcium-activated K and Cl channels in detrusor overactivity of rats with partial bladder outflow obstruction. BJU Int., Jun;101(12):1588-94, 共同第一作者, 以师大为单位署名, 影响因子 2.64
Li L, Jiang C.H, Hao P, Li W, Song C, Song B. (2007) Changes of gap junctional cell-cell communication in overactive detrusor in the rats. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol., Nov; 293(5):C1627-35, 影响因子 4.2
Li L, Jiang C.H, Hao P, Li W, Fan L, Zhou Z, Song B. (2007) Changes in T-type calcium channel and its subtypes in overactive detrusor of the rats with partial bladder outflow obstruction. Neurourol. Urodyn., 26: 870 – 878. 以师大为单位署名, 影响因子 2.7
12. Carlander J, Johansson K, Lindstrom S, Velin AK, Jiang CH, Nordborg C. (2005) Comparison of experimental nerve injury caused by ultrasonically activated scalpel and electrosurgery. Br J Surg. 92(6):772-777, 影响因子 4.2
Jiang, C.H. and Lindström, S. (2004) Long term modulation of the micturition reflex by periodic stimulation of bladder or pudendal afferents (Manuscript) 第一作者,
Mazières, L. Jiang, C.H. and Lindström, S. (2006) Recurrent inhibition of the bladder C fibre reflex in the cat and its response to naloxone. J Physiol., 575(Pt 2):603-615 通讯作者, 影响因子 4.2
Jiang, C.H. (2004) Influence of intravesical low pH on the micturition reflex threshold in the rat. Submitted, 第一作者
Lindström, S. and Jiang, C.H. (2004) Inhibition 0f the bladder cooling reflex in the awake stat: an experimental study in the cat. J. Urol., 172:2051-2053 通讯作者, 影响因子 4.1
Jiang, C.H. and Hermanson, O. (2004) Cooling of the urinary bladder activates neurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. NeuroReport, 15: 351-355第一作者, 通讯作者, 影响因子 3.1
Jiang, C.H. Mazières, L. and Lindström, S. (2002) Cold and menthol sensitive C-afferents of the cat´s urinary bladder. J. Physiol., 543: 211-220第一作者, 通讯作者, 影响因子 4.1
Jiang, C.H. and Lindström, S. (1999) Prolonged enhancement of the micturition reflex in the cat by repetitive stimulation of bladder afferents. J. Physiol., 517: 599-605第一作者, 通讯作者, 影响因子 4.2
Jiang, C.H. (1999) Prolonged Modulation of the Micturition Reflex by Electrical Stimulation. Thesis, Linköping University, No.582第一作者, 通讯作者
Jiang, C.H. and Lindström, S. (1999) Optimal conditions for long-term modulation of the micturition reflex by intravesical electrical stimulation: an experimental study in the rat. Br. J. Urol., 83: 483-488 第一作者, 影响因子 2.2
22. Schultz-Lampel, D. Jiang, C.H. Lindström, S. & Thuroff, J.W. (1998) Experimental results on mechanisms of action of electrical neuromodulation in chronical urinary retention. World J. Urol., 16: 301-304
Mazières, L. Jiang, C.H. and Lindström, S. (1998) The C-fibre reflex of the cat's urinary bladder. J. Physiol., 513: 531-541通讯作者, 影响因子 4.2
Jiang, C.H. (1998) Modulation of the micturition reflex pathway by intravesical electrical stimulation - an experimental study in the rat. Neurourol. Urodyn., 17: 543 – 553第一作者, 通讯作者, 影响因子 3.9
Jiang, C.H. and Lindström, S. (1998) Prolonged increase in micturition threshold volume by ano-genital afferent stimulation in the rat. Br. J. Urol., 82: 398-403第一作者, 通讯作者, 影响因子 2.2
Jiang, C.H. and Lindström, S. (1996) Intravesical electrical stimulation induces a prolonged decrease in micturition threshold volume in the rat. J. Urol., 155:1477-1481第一作者, 通讯作者, 影响因子 4.1
Ebner, A. Jiang, C.H. and Lindström, S. (1992) Intravesical electrical stimulation - an experimental analysis of the mechanism of action. J. Urol., 148:920-924
28. 周海峰, 佘鸥, 蒋重和 (1989) 酸固定法显示单向免疫扩散中微量IgE的实验研究. 上海免疫学杂志 9:229- 229 (中文)
29. 黄国荣, 阮永生, 蒋重和, 谢志光 (1988) 男性淋球菌尿道炎176例分析. 湖南医学 5:241- 242 (中文)
Jiang, C.H. (1988) One stage repairing of hypospadias using urinary bladder mucosa - experience of 145 cases. J. Hunan Medicine 4:98-100 (中文) 第一作者
31. 江民成, 蒋重和 (1986) 黄色肉芽肿性肾孟肾炎伴纤维肉瘤样变1例报告. 上海免疫学杂志 6:21- 23 (中文)
Jiang, C.H. & Luo, D M. (1986) Relationship between malformation of urogenital organs and urinary syndromes in females. J. Clinical Urology, 3: 30-37( 中文) 第一作者
Jiang, C.H. & Yuan, Y S. (1985) One hundred and fifty stress incontinent patients treated by acupuncture. J. Trad. Chinese Medicine, 6: 17-20 (中文) 第一作者
34. 黄国荣, 骆德美, 高巨波, 蒋重和 (1985) 输尿官异位开口- 附10例报告. 湖南医学 2:23- 26, (中文)
Jiang, C.H. & Yuan, Y S. (1983) Combining traditional Chinese medicine and Western medical treatment for patients with chronic prostatitise. J. Hunan Medicine, 5: 121-125 (中文) 第一作者


Dr Chong-He Jiang declared on the Thursday 19th January 2023 that they did not have any existing or known future financial relationships or affiliations to disclose (NONE).