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Miguel Silva-ramos

Miguel Silva-ramos

ICS Member (Expired)

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Born in: 30/11/1970.
Received the Medical Degree from the Faculty of Medicine , University of Porto in 1994.
Completed the Residency in Urology in 2003 in the Department of Urology of Hospital Geral de Santo António. Began functions as a specialist in the same department in the same year.
Fellow of the European Board of Urology since 2003.
Since 2003 dedicated to the treatment of LUT dysfunctions.
Since 2012 is the Head of Kidney Surgery and Transplant Unit of the Urology Department.
Assistant Professor of Urology in Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar since 2003. Received the PhD degree in January 2017 with the thesis: “Role of endogenous purines in lower urinary tract dysfunction”. Currently lecturer in the disciplines of physiology and urology.
Main areas of research: Advanced kidney surgery. Lower urinary tract pharmacology. Male lower urinary tract symptoms.
Founder of the Portuguese Urodynamic Club. Secretary of Associação Portuguesa de Neurourologia e Uroginecologia between 2013 and 2017. Vice-President of Associação Portuguesa de Urologia since 2017.

Miguel Silva-ramos declared on the Sunday 17th July 2016 that they had the following existing or known future financial relationships or affiliations:


  • Speaker Honorarium